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We Want the Airwaves: QPOC Artists on the Rise

Is it possible to make art and make rent without compromising your values? Nia King's interviewed over 100 queer and trans artists of color to find out. Find more episodes at Transcripts available at Scribd. Support the podcast at Patreon. Logo by Joamette Gil. Photo of Nia interviewing Gabby Rivera by Tecpatl DeSequoia.

Aug 8, 2016

Mixed-race Arab trans woman poet, educator, and activist Trish Salah has a lot of work to be proud of. In this talk, she maps out her trajectory, from being part of a militant labor union in graduate school to protesting pinkwashing at the World Out Games, to becoming politicized around trans issues in a Toronto activist community that was led by sex workers and poor folks.

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