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We Want the Airwaves: QPOC Artists on the Rise

Is it possible to make art and make rent without compromising your values? Since 2013, Nia King has been interviewing queer and trans artists of color to find out. Here's what she learned. Find more episodes at Transcripts available at Logo by Joamette Gil. Photo of Nia interviewing Gabby Rivera by Tecpatl DeSequoia.

Sep 1, 2014

Mixed-race queer Arab indigenous poet Amir Rabiyah and I discuss how to "respectfully reintegrate" parts of your racial/ethnic heritage that have been assimilated away, growing up mixed in Hawai'i, and the politics of editing an anthology. Read the transcript at Support the podcast at

Jul 3, 2014

Miyuki Baker spent fourteen months traveling to sixteen countries and making zines about the queer cultures she encountered in each place. In this interview we discuss how she found the funds to travel, the connotations of "queer" in different countries, and international polyamory.

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May 4, 2014

Devi K is the artistic director of Peacock Rebellion, a Bay Area-based queer and trans people of color performing arts organization. Peacock Rebellion produced a cabaret about the nonprofit industrial complex in 2012, and is currently training a cohort of queer and trans people of color to become activist stand-up...

Apr 18, 2014

Totally Radical Muslim zine editors Shenaaz Janmohamed, Aliya Karmali, and Roxana Dhada discuss how to enable prisoners to participate in zine culture, tensions between Sunni and Shi'a Muslim communities, and building solidarity between Muslims across racial and ethnic lines. (Aliya Karmali is not pictured.)

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Mar 2, 2014

When trans women of color take over the world, Lexi Adsit will be to blame. This recent SF State graduate is currently co-organizing the first International Trans Women of Color Network Gathering for the upcoming Allied Media Conference. In this interview, she discusses her background as a student organizer of the Queer...