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We Want the Airwaves: QPOC Artists on the Rise

Is it possible to make art and make rent without compromising your values? Since 2013, Nia King has been interviewing queer and trans artists of color to find out. Here's what she learned. Find more episodes at Transcripts available at Logo by Joamette Gil. Photo of Nia interviewing Gabby Rivera by Tecpatl DeSequoia.

Mar 12, 2018

Black queer cis femme Teresa Ellis worked as a stripper at the Lusty Lady for 13 years (before and after it was unionized), founded one of the first Black burlesque troupes (Harlem Shake), raised a kid, and now teaches fat-positive Pilates classes out of her Oakland home. She's also also had a slew of other jobs, from phone sex operator to real estate agent. Hear about them all in this episode.

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